

Johnson City, TN. That's where I am right now. Just hanging out in my hotel room. I'm trying to get some last minute prep work done on my customer presentation that I have tomorrow. Yikes. So I'm sitting here running through my presentation and listening to some low key tunes.

I just remembered that the Grammys are on, and I turned the tube to it (after I had to Google what channel it was on). I guess I'll get to see one award, but I just happened to glance at the TV and who else is on but Neil Diamond. Hilarious. I have the TV completely turned down (not on mute...I manually turned it down myself), and I still knew what he was singing. I mean come on guys. He's definitely going to sing "Sweet Caroline." Which made me think of one of my favorite movie sing-a-long moments. So I found the clip on YouTube (naturally).

I remember watching this movie at a young age. I don't know why my mom let us rent it. It's when we still liked Rosie...maybe that's why. Anyways, I don't even think we got half way through the movie before we turned it off. And now...I own it! Good times.

I still haven't seen an award, and it's past 11 here now so I'm out.


KK Hagler said...

did you know that is my favorite movie of all times? did we discuss how while you were asleep soundly across the hall i would turn on this movie and watch 15 minutes every night before i fell asleep? weird.

Beth said...

I don't think we did...hmm.