
Red Hat Society Sighting (You read it right.)

I'm sitting in my hotel room in Lawrenceville, G to the A. Yesterday was a ridiculously long day. Basically my day went from 6:00 to about 12 that wrapped up with a four hour drive from Johnson City to Lawrenceville. I managed to drive through 4 states and saw two other states from the mountain I was on during the day (I actually don't know if this is true but it made for a better story). I did drive through four states though...Tennessee, the Carolinas, and Georgia. I decided during my drive that one day I will live in Asheville. It just felt right. Haha!

I had training all day today and then went to dinner with the bossman and some of my fellow enginerds that work down this way. I know, I know. The exciting life of a traveling B. White. Anyways, we had about a four hour dinner at Carrabba's down the street from the office. AND there was a red hat society group dining there too! They were all decked out in their red hats, and I just ate it up. I would have taken a picture if my cell phone wasn't dead. The red hat society started in Atlanta, and I just love the books. I mean yes it was probably meant for an older crowd, but I love Fannie Flag and all of the Miss Julia books too though so that doesn't bother me.

Since I couldn't get you a picture of the ladies, I thought I'd share a somewhat related one with you below. I actually just bought a sign that got it's idea from the red hat society, but it's the green hat society for... ST PATTY'S DAY! One of my favorite days o' the year! Since it has that lighter apple green color in it I'm hanging it in my living room to match my sofa (I have an apple green IKEA sofa that I'm slightly obsessed with). The sign got a year round spot. Yea!
How stinkin' cute is that?!