
I Love Technology

I am not a huge scaredy-cat, but I do have a few major fears. I won't list them all here, but one of them...the unknown. I have a problem with things that my mind can't grasp. The deep end of the ocean. Space. Don't get me started. It's something to do with a dark abyss in a really large quantity(I'm pretty sure that's redundant). There's no way I can fathom it. None. And this, my friends, scares the heck out of me.

On a side note, I'm not afraid of the dark although you might compare it to the unknown. I will admit to being a little scared by the show growing up though. I can't tell you how many times I made my dad sit there and watch them with me. Any Snick watchers out there?

So why am I telling you this? I am sure you could care less about my deepest, darkest fears. Well I came across some fun news yesterday...

According to Fox News, "Google Inc. on Monday launched a new version of Google Earth that allows users to explore the oceans, view 3D images of the planet Mars and watch regions of the Earth change over time."

Mars. Of course.

And I'm underwater. Hello.

I am ridiculously excited and nervous about this at the same time. I actually use Google Earth a decent amount for work. Maybe they'll need to know the most ideal tower location for a communications system on Mars soon. Who knows? I will tell you this. Google might be able to help me out as far as fear goes. The unknown won't be as for lack of better word...unknown anymore. How about that? Thanks, Google.