
Big Hollywood

After I had accomplished absolutely nothing on my first day back at work since pre-Christmas -- actually I take that back, I did make a mean playlist for my 5k training -- SO after I had tackled the huge feat of creating a playlist, I decided to take a gander at the news. This is normally a daily if not multiple times per day activity for me, but since I was a bit rusty today I had completely forgotten about it.

I hit up my fave Fox News for the latest headlines and happened to come across one headline I was extremely interested in...Conservatives Coming Out of the Closet in Hollywood. It wasn't the "out of the closet" part that shocked me the most though. Conservatives? You mean more than one? In Hollywood? Wowsers. I took a gander at the article, and it had a short list of conservative stars. I knew that ol' Kelsey Grammer would make the list, but I was totally thrown by one name for sure. Stephen Baldwin. Emphasis on Baldwin. I wonder what kind of brotherly love he receives from the Baldwin clan. Slim to none?

The article opens up with the introduction of a new site "Big Hollywood" and its debut date (which happens to be tomorrow). The article says it "will be a place where center, right and libertarian-leaning celebrities and industry-insiders can weigh in on Hollywood politics, offer film, television and movie reviews, and have an open forum for political discussion."

: Kelsey Grammer vs. Sean Penn. Stephen Baldwin vs. Alec Baldwin. Or even better just for the sheer fact that poor Susie would get her "
derrière" kicked...Patricia Heaton vs. Susan Sarandon.

I am not going to dive into my political views on this blog probably ever. But this just got me really excited. I hope it lives up to the hype (that I am giving it). I tend to do that. So if you are interested then check out Big Hollywood. If you're not, then don't. Whatever you do though do one other thing for me...have a great day! Ciao for now!