
FYI: Y'all=You all...not You will

One fun part about working for a big company like Motriola (personally my fave way of pronouncing it) is the array of people that you get to meet. I've met fellow enginerds from Mexico to England to France. I'm sure I made their list as well...seeing as how a) they have a list and b) they probably never thought they'd meet anyone originally from the great state of Alabama.

One guy I've worked with in particular had a pretty thick British accent. He has only been in the states for a few years, and it shows. So when he came down here to work on a project of mine, he found it quite humorous when I sent him a text with the word y'all in it. He loved that us Southern folk down here text the way we talk. I mean, durh, of course we do because we're awesome. So after I had sent him a few texts with the word y'all he decided to try the word out for size. His text read as follows:

"When do you reckon y'all be here? We can wait 10 mins. no problem."

Props to him for giving it a go but lets be honest...didn't work out too great. I immediately laughed when I received this. First of all I was the only one on the way so y'all wasn't even needed unless I have a second personality that I am unaware of. Secondly, the way it was used the "all" replaced "will" which is kind of important seeing as how it is the verb and everything.

So when I met up with him I told him this version of y'all would have been tricky because the way I would have said it would have led to a double contraction...you all will = y'all'll. I'm pretty sure this blew his mind, but I hope that he's stuck with it and is practicing the proper use of the wonderful word y'all.

Thought I'd share this. Please do not be overwhelmed with my exciting lifestyle.