
Everybody's Doing It

So I've decided to start blogging. Why you ask?...the answer is in the title of this blog. I spend all day on the computer at work, and I love taking breaks to read friends' blogs. I even have the blogs on my most visited list. Since they are kind enough to make my day enjoyable, I have decided to return the favor.I wanted to wait until I got my website up and running, but that was suppose to happen about 3 months ago so we'll see how that turns out.

As for what I'll blog about, it'll be a little of this little of that. I definitely don't specialize in anything (as my friend KK and I put it...we're less than mediocre) so I don't have one topic I can harp on. I've only been in the real world for 5 months now so I have definitely encountered many firsts (like buying a condo!!!). You will also notice throughout my blogs that I skip around a lot. I have the attention span of a five year old watching C-Span...or anyone watching it for that matter. Just bear with me though...mmkay?

A little about me...I'm living in the lovely Nashvegas now. Well actually Brentwood, TN for all of you who are familiar with the area. I interned here last summer with Motorola, and they asked me back so here I am. Enginerding it in the country music capital of the world...which I can vouch for the fact that if you want to avoid the whole country music aspect of Nashville it's a lot easier than you would think. So that's it for now. Welcome to my blog. I'm sure you'll gain a lot of knowledge from this baby (cha right and monkeys might fly out of my butt...any Wayne's World fans in the house?). Wow.

Ciao for now,


Unknown said...

That doesn't look anything like your handwriting...fail.

Beth said...

Ruth. Are you referring to the beautiful Bradley Hand ITC I used in my BP blog? You are just jealous.

Will I see you in one day or five?