After my many weekends away near and far, I finally got to kick back and relax in the Nash all weekend. I sat in front of a TV with friends for most of the day Saturday and enjoyed football from a couch as opposed to a stadium seat. To balance out the manliness that was football watching on Saturday, I went shopping on Sunday. Success. I bought a bunch of fun new stuff including a new gray jacket that I love. The lady at the counter informed me that gray is the new black. Here it is in black (just picture in gray)...
It's from Old Navy but they didn't have a gray one on their website so I'm not sure how my store landed them.
Now I'm getting all packed up and heading to Johnson City today to then head to O-town from there for a weekend of family birthdays and AU football (hopefully improved from Saturday's performance). One of the birthdays we are celebrating is the madre's birthday which is actually today. I am warming up my vocal chords as we speak to call and sing my annual opera rendition of Happy Birthday to her (plus ukulele this year). Why? Because she's the best and deserves it.
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