
Fun Fun

What I did this weekend besides ruin pictures...LAKE TRIP in KY.
  • Rode/Drove a waverunner for the first time in years
  • Visited the great state of KY for the first time
  • Participated in my second beer olympics (and took home the bronze I might add)
  • Went to bed after the sun came up (am I in college again?)
  • Was introduced to the Crazy Wheel
  • Went swimming with a dress on
  • Learned an awesome new game called Derby (naturally) that will make football season that much more fun
  • ...Got lucky???

Here are the pictures I ruined (aka Kacey and Beth photoshoot). Yessssss.

And the best one of the weekend ladies and gents...

I feel like I should win some kind of award for this.

Oh here's a good picture that came out of the bunch with some Nashvegas gals.

I was excited about the lake (and my newly Crest whitestripped teeth). Hence the akwardly large smile. I just realized while looking at this pic that I never show my bottom teeth when I smile...until now.

So yeah that's it. I just slapped a mosquito on my leg and blood smeared on me (and I don't know if it's mine). Gross. I think I'm going to go take a shower now.


Christy said...

You gettin lucky in Kentucky huh? hahahahaha

Beth said...

You know it.