
5k...Take 2

So I ran another 5k at the gym, and I had shaved 4 minutes off my last time. Hooray. I think I might start training for longer distances. We'll see though because I've also been swimming as of late.

I bought a swimming cap a couple of weeks ago because everybody's wearing them at the Y. Then, I decided to try it on at work. It was a Friday, I had gone out the night before with boss and coworkers, and it was my birthday so...

Yes. Someone else did have to take the picture.

Oh and the whole fam came into town for the bday weekend and stayed at Opryland. We had a blast as usual. We hit Hillsboro Village, and I finally got to go to this used bookstore I had been eying for a couple of years now...and I got Emily Post's Etiquette circa 1945 copyright. Hilarious. We laid by the pool, shopped, went to see Harry Potter. Simply put, it was an ideal weekend.

My oldest nephew is convinced that Nashville is the greatest place simply because of Pancake Pantry, Opryland, and the fact that I have a PlayStation and Xbox360. Love it.