It's official. I crashed a birthday party...and not just any birthday party. A birthday party with great music. I happen to follow the lovely and wonderful Sam & Ruby on twitter, and I saw a tweet yesterday with the words free, dan mcguinness, party, show, and birthday in a completely different order. So I thought...lets check this out. Which is what a few of us did last night.
First up was Brooke Waggoner, who I must say I had never heard of until yesterday and totally dug. That's right...d.u.g. Anyone who plays the piano automatically gets some bonus points from me.
Next up and the reason we crashed, Sam and Ruby. They were as awesome as I remembered from their opener for Jake at the Belcourt. They also announced that they were releasing a new EP on Tuesday...whoopity whoop whoop.
My fave part of the night by far though was us talking about the first night we met Zach (the bday boy). What a crazy night that was. So crazy in fact...we couldn't even remember it. Good backup story, huh?
The Avett Bros are on Ace of Cakes tonight. Really? One of favorite shows and one of my favorite bands collaborate. That is amazing. You should watch it.
I have a valentine, and he is three. My nephew printed out a valentine all by himself and when my sister asked him who he wanted to send it to he said...Bess. Melt my heart times 20 bazillion.
Last day of evaluation. I ran seven miles today. Wow. Tired. Woot.
#25 David Sedaris ...he'll be in Nashville the night before my race. Still debating going. I would like to finally put a visual live performance to all of the books/podcasts I've read/listened to.
#24 Wine ...from boxed white to bottled red. Boy how I've matured.
#19 Traveling ...I've got the wheels to ride and the wheels to run. Some say I got ramblin' in my blood. I prefer to listen to this song a least once while traveling which is often with work and play.
#18 Awareness mean like when I'm running alone at night? eek.
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside ...I have to admit if I'm in the mood to do it then I really want everyone else to be too. Not good for any friends in my general vicinity.
#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops ...a whole foods is being built about 10 seconds from my office. I. Can. Not. Wait. Even though there is one about 5 minutes from my office already.
#47 Arts Degrees ...I mean I changed my major 4 times in college, and they were all BS degrees. if I was even the slightest bit talented in "the arts" then heck yes.
#44 Public Radio ...when I'm not singing at the top of my lungs...This American Life and All Songs Considered get me through roadtrips.
#43 Plays ...plays, musicals, concerts. Yes, yes, yes. I did try out an opera as well but I laughed through one of the murder scenes. Whoops. I had never heard anyone sing so beautifully while stabbing someone multiple times. Sheer talent.
#42 Sushi ...nope. I tried it once like 6 years ago and didn't like it. I tried it again a few weeks ago...still didn't like it.
#41 Indie Music ...hate it. Just check out my music collection. You don't believe me, do you? Paste's recent cover story is about the death of indie music. Just saying.
#39 Netflix ...I do thoroughly enjoy all of the netflix movies that I watch thanks to my friends.
#38 Arrested Development ...have been told by many that I would love it. I'm working on making a weekend out of watching it. Unfortunately, I've been pretty booked so far in 2010.
#37 Renovations ...performing them or watching people fail miserably at performing them on TV? Both.
#36 Breakfast Places ...i love eggs from my head down to my legs. the delectable egg. denver, co. that's all I'm going to say
#61 Bicycles mode of transportation prior to 16 and again freshman year of college until I almost hit a Tiger Transit bus.
#60 Toyota Prius ...are their pedals sticking, too? (Note to reader: I wrote this on Monday and was quite amused when Toyota added the Prius to the recall list on Tuesday).
#59 Natural Medicine about no medicine? Well, I guess Ricola from time to time.
#58 Japan ...don't think I've jumped on this bandwagon yet. Oh wait...I have driven a Toyota, followed by a Toyota, followed by a Mazda, followed by a Honda. I would say Japan plays an important role in my means of transportation.
#57 Juno ...I used to watch it on all my flights since I have it on my zune, and I totally own the slinky shirt. You know the one...
#56 Lawyers ...I thought about being a patent lawyer at one point during my college career.
#55 Apologies ...sorry seems to be the hardest word. That's what Sir Elton thought at least but not me. I'm totally on the unnecessary sorry bandwagon.
Can we talk about Google voicemail? Yes. I jumped on the bandwagon today with my droid, and I really wanted to get a message so I could laugh at how bad Google botched it...and I got my wish.
Hubbell lawyers check check check to get a check to see if you can transcript. This is Judy check. I know you.
I'm pretty sure the only words that match are check. And the guy who called me was not named Judy.
#99 Grammar ...missed no questions in this section both times I took the ACT. This blog really doesn't show it. On a different note, I think engineering if slowly causing my already lacking vocabulary to disintegrate.
#84 T-Shirts ...I am a t-shirt whore. Sorry, that is offensive and derogatory, and I shouldn't have said it. Most recent shirt added to my collection... #83 Bad Memories of High School ...I only remember good things. I guess I had a unique experience.
This came up in work today...and by came up I mean I brought it up. For those of you have not become acquainted with Stuff White People Like, you officially
I decided to see just how white I was by going through each item. There are 131 on the list so I am breaking this up over the work week. Aaaannnnnnddddd GO!
#131 Conan O’Brien ...duh. I think I've already voiced my opinion on this. #130 Ray-Ban Wayfarers them but love Target's knockoffs even more. Oh...and my Auburn pair. #129 Banksy ...I'm gonna say no since I just had to google to see what the heck this was. British artist by the way.
#128 Camping ...I prefer it with s'mores. #127 Where the Wild Things Are ...yes. yes. yes. My mom read this to my nephews when I was home one weekend last fall, and I was into it more than the three of them combined.
#115 Promising to Learn a New Language ...only for 10 years. I even started a notebook at one time. Italian is my language of promise to learn.
#114 America ...FUDGE YEAH! Comin' again to save the mother f'ing day yeah! (G rated version).
#113 Halloween ... #112 Hummus ...see #119. I ate a whole tub of it last night while watching the super bowl.
#104 Girls with Bangs ...if by like you mean jealous I can never have them since I always wear my hair curly...then yes. Apparently I wear my hair. Hmmm.
#103 Sweaters ...proud owner of tons upon tons. Unfortunately, none of the Dr. Huxtable style.
...the other bowl game I look forward to on Super Bowl Sunday. For a good two minutes of aww-ing, click here for the starting line up, and don't forget about the kitty halftime show.
I am a spaniel girl so of course of love, love, LOVE Winston and his crazy ears.
Sips N Strokes made me feel like I was a professional artist. Apparently, they are instructed on how to paint as well. Seriously though, all day I've been mapping out my future painting endeavors.
Can I just add that our "funky vases" were totally funky, and we didn't follow the rules as far as colors go? FYI to Emily since I know you don't like to follow directions when painting.
Just finished reading a few news articles on my break. Can I just say that I really enjoy the random ones? I mean the odd headlines really grab my attention. For example...
Article 1: A 9 year girl gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I'm pretty sure I was outside either jumping on the tramp or playing tennis in the street when I was that age. Craziness.
Article 2: Optical illusions. Love them which is probably why I enjoy MC Escher so much. Here were a couple of my faves in the article.
Focus on the center
Can I also mention the fact that I almost busted my butt like five times this weekend while wearing my boat shoes out in the snow? You heard me. They were the easiest waterproof shoes I had to put on...little did I know that I would basically be iceskating in them. Snow pictures!!!