

I finally got to see Regina Monday night...at the Ryman...with some vino and a new friend in hand. The guy beside me had flown in from Cincinnati to see her, and he thought I was a Vandy student which I took as a compliment. We chatted about music and how long we had been Regina fans and how awesome she is in general.

I also got to attend the show with my mom for a few songs. My mom is a huge fan and her favorite song is "Hotel Song" which I think is hilarious so I called her and let her sing along. She loved it.

I've already found a few videos from last night. Isn't YouTube just wonderful? The usher near our section was pretty strict about recording videos so props to whoever recorded these.

Some friends and I were discussing after the show how she never really talked to the crowd. She was very thankful and polite but never really segwayed into the next song with an explanation. But lets be honest...if she tried to explain her songs it would probably go way over everyone's heads. She's kind of a lyrical genius.