

I have a love/hate relationship with the US as I'm sure we all do.

Why do I love the US right now? Because there is live US Open footage online of five different courts (for free) during the day...and they're not the crap courts either. No other major does this. So much for getting any work done in the next couple of weeks. Just kidding. No...but really.

Just go to www.usopen.org and click on Watch Live on the right.

Why do I not love the US right now? The no failing grades K-3 rule that is coming into play in Memphis. I guess this isn't really a US issue, but I still think it is ridiculous so I'm gonna vent. I mean what happened to the whole learn from your mistakes philosophy? It always worked for me. Instead of helping kids we're hurting them whether advanced or slow. I mean the material taught in 4th grade will eventually become 3rd grade level material while the kids that weren't failed will still be on a 2nd grade level. Lose/lose situation my friends. When did people become so soft?

I know all sorts of random news stories like this now because I have plenty of time to catch up on my news in the morning...at the gym so beware of me posting these often.

I was actually reading an article last night about how to have a lighter summer. It was an older magazine obviously since summer is almost over. One of the suggestions was to quit watching the news since a majority of the stories are bad/sad news. I found this kind of funny because I did drop a lot of my news watching over the summer but have recently picked it back up pretty full force. I mean what else is there to watch in the morning at 6 am while jogging (soft j)...and don't give me that Saved by the Bell jazz.

Oh...I was behind this car the other day that had a 140.6 sticker. I'm sure we are all familiar with the 13.1 and 26.2 stickers that people get for running a half and full marathon. 140.6??!! I was actually on the phone with the broseph, and we were curious as to whether that person was even alive after completing whatever that distance represented. I was trying to do a conversion from miles to kms, but 140.6 was the mileage. Come to find out it's the distance for the full Ironman. Ridiculous.

I just did spell check, and it didn't catch "gonna." Does that mean that gonna is now in the dictionary?

Wow. Sorry I'm all over the place today. Now you know what it's like to be me.