

So this weekend was great fun with the fam. Here are some highlights: lunch with the sis, Easter egg hunt, jumping on the tramp, coach pitch baseball, Apples to Apples, my grandad's bday/lunch with the whole fam, Man on Wire, ladder golf, laughing my ass off with the bro (as usual) and my fave...playing with my nephews' Little People collection. So much fun. Basically I was a kid again this weekend, and it was great.


While discussing North Korea on Fox and Friends Sunday, they showed this clip of from Team America. I could not get over the fact that I was seeing Team America on Fox News or any channel besides the movie channels.

On my way home yesterday I decided to switch it up since I was tired of singing my heart out and didn't have any new audiobooks to listen to. So...I listened to ESPN radio and National Public Radio. This American Life happened to be the show that was on when I was pulling into Nash, and it was super awesome. Check out NPR fo sho. I had subscribed to the podcast for This American Life, but I just hadn't put it on my new Zune. I will now.

Go Bravos! They have a winning season so far at 1-0. Yesss.