
Oscar Week

I know what you're thinking. Beth, you idiot, that was over a month ago. Well I say to you a) you are right and b) was idiot necessary?

The reason this is Oscar week for me is I've decided to watch some of the movies that were up for big nominations this year. I've already managed to watch Rachel Getting Married which might I add was quite the depressing movie so don't go into it thinking "Anne Hathaway is in it...it will be cute." No.

Last night: Started watching The Reader. I read the book and know what happens so I decided to cut the movie short when I knew it was about to get pretty serious. I'll finish it up this weekend.

Tonight: Slumdog Millionaire. I'm excited about this one. I mean it is the Best Picture of 2009. It should have some substance to it.

Then I'll probably wrap up the week with some Proof and Curious Case of Benjamin Button action. Who knows?