
fun day monday

Alright guys. Last Monday I posted Bob Marley's Three Little Birds, listened to it all day long, and had one of the best Mondays I have had in a really long time. SO...this week's song is (badabadabada <-that's my drumroll) "You and I" by Ingrid Michaelson. Yea!


Thanks to Kate I am now an avid fan of NoiseTrade. It's basically a donation/spread the word music download site that artists can upload their music to. You can pay $1 and up for albums or send the artist/album info to 5 of your friends. Feel free to make me one of your friends because I'm always up for some new music. Whoop!

What's also fun about this site is that a lot of the artists (actually all of the ones I downloaded) are from right here in Nash. Hometown lovin'. Here are some of the folks I am newly listening to thanks to NoiseTrade:

Katie Herzig - She's a long overdue artist for me because I was told that I would like her sometime last year. Stupid me should have gotten around to listening sooner. Better late than never.

Chelsey Scott - Sorry. It's the only video I could find.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding is on so I am o.u.t. Have a good week!

spinning and shirley q.

First off, my friend Tid got engaged yesterday, and she was actually the one who introduced me to Miss Shirley Q (keep reading). CONGRATS, TID!!!!!

Raise your hand if your butt and thighs are sore from your first spinning class ever? That's right. I went to an hour long spinning class last night and made it through feeling pretty good...then I hopped off the bike. Dude, my legs were like "buttah." And my boofanny...o.u.c.h. Haha.

Anyways, it's a lovely day here in Nash. My father is on his way up, and we're going to the driving range later this afternoon so I can perfect my golf game. Right.

Thanks to YouTube, I was just reunited with someone from my past...Miss Shirley Q. Liquor.

Oh, I also gave the old blog a face lift yesterday. Now the tunes and theme are all set for a wonderful summer. Yea!

monday, monday...so good to me

Because it's about Monday, and I love the kids.

Why yesterday was the anti-Monday...

First of all, it was all Bob. Thanks, broseph.

* I was super productive at work (I even managed to fit in a grocery store visit during lunch).

* My parents are coming up for Memorial Day. Now don't get me wrong. There is a ton to do in Nash, but most of it involves music and/or the Civil War. I've already decided to get us reservations for The Bluebird Cafe and either the Carter House or Carnton Plantation...they are both in Franklin. Oh the history. SO I wanted one more thing for the list of to dos and little did I know that it would come to me on my drive to the gym (to dominate...see next bullet). There are always hot air balloons around the area, and I knew that was on my mom's bucket list. Guess what I got to do for a good 30 minutes last night? That's right. Check out the local hot air balloon scene. I told my dad about it, and we decided to keep it a surprise for mi madre. And no, she doesn't read my blog so no need to worry. YEA!!!!!!!!!!

* Ummmmmm...did I mention I dominated at the gym?! Well domination for me that is. I totally ran 20 minutes straight. This is a feat I have been trying to reach for a month now, and I was just totally energized and went for it. 5k here I come. What?

* Oh, one more thing. I decided not to watch tv today except when I was running at the gym, and I got a lot more done. This little experiment of mine just showed me how much time I spend on my ass in front of the tube. Shame.

That's all. Happy Tuesday!

in memory of...don't worry

It's official. It's now Bob Marley and Jimmy Buffett season, and I'm not going to let horrible Nashville weather decide otherwise. This is something I look forward to every year since I only listen to these two during the summertimish.

My power went out this morning right before my alarm clock goes off so I woke up about an hour late. No worries, though. Why you ask? Because Bob himself said "Don't worry about a thing 'cause every little thing is gonna be alright." Thanks, Bob for pulling through for me today. I advise you to heed his advice.

He died 28 years ago to this day, and I am always amazed by the impact he made in his short span on Earth. I mean what's the first (and probably only) name that pops into your head when you think reggae. Come on, guys.

what's going on?

Here is me using one word to sum up each day of the past week which sucks for me because I normally use many words. No worries, though. I'll elaborate afterwards.

Sunday: Fire
Monday: Gym
Tuesday: Crap
Wednesday: Wine
Thursday: Golf
Friday: Fifty
Saturday: Pretty
Sunday: Mom

I had just finished my weekly call for the White Fam Biggest Loser and was feeling pretty good about myself. I decided to cook my new fave meal that I had made the previous Monday. Well as you can see via the recipe you saute the chicken then stick it in the oven. I don't have a baking sheet with a lip on it so apparently the olive oil on the chicken eventually slid across the sheet and dripped off. Next thing I knew I was staring at a flame that kept popping up. I freaked out for about 0.5 seconds then turned the oven off. Very proud of keeping my cool under that situation. Yea. What's crazy (and/or scary) about this is I had already cooked this dish but walked away from the kitchen while the chicken was cooking. Glad my house isn't burnt down.

The only day I went to the gym this week. Whoops.

I felt like crap for most of the week but this was the worst day. Fo sho.

After a long day of paying the plumber a ton of money, being super important on conference calls, and finishing up coverage testing (aka driving around town saying "test" and giving directions) for one of my projects in Nash, I got to relax with the girls at book club - or "Reading between the Wines." This was the first time I have had alchy since starting the Biggest Loser so it was very much enjoyed.

Played golf with the Boss. Totally business.

I got a $50 Amex card from the boss for job well done on a project (...so far).

First day in about a week that it wasn't totally gross outside. Insert lifting of depression there. Only kidding.

Mom's Day! My mom had to work all weekend at the hospital, and I got to see her last weekend so I didn't go home. I called her at work to sing a little jig. Something only she would appreciate fully. My mom and I are very much alike...we basically have the same voice (I have actually been about 5 minutes into a conversation with her friends on the phone before I could get a word in to say that it was me...not her), we have the same sense of humor (unique but just right for us) , and we've just always gotten along really well. We didn't really have that love/hate relationship when I was growing up. Just the love part.

I also called my sister since I think she fully deserves a Happy Mother's Day (x10) for the amount of testosterone in her house. Well when I called she answered and calmly said she was having a panic attack. They have about a 8 month old puppy, and apparently one of his eyes was rolled back in his head and the other was on the verge. He was sitting at the door and responsive though so that was goodish. I started Googling away and tried to help calm her down. Told a few jokes. I told her she just needed to call a vet. I'll let you know what happened (or won't) depending.

So that's my eight day week.