
what's going on?

Here is me using one word to sum up each day of the past week which sucks for me because I normally use many words. No worries, though. I'll elaborate afterwards.

Sunday: Fire
Monday: Gym
Tuesday: Crap
Wednesday: Wine
Thursday: Golf
Friday: Fifty
Saturday: Pretty
Sunday: Mom

I had just finished my weekly call for the White Fam Biggest Loser and was feeling pretty good about myself. I decided to cook my new fave meal that I had made the previous Monday. Well as you can see via the recipe you saute the chicken then stick it in the oven. I don't have a baking sheet with a lip on it so apparently the olive oil on the chicken eventually slid across the sheet and dripped off. Next thing I knew I was staring at a flame that kept popping up. I freaked out for about 0.5 seconds then turned the oven off. Very proud of keeping my cool under that situation. Yea. What's crazy (and/or scary) about this is I had already cooked this dish but walked away from the kitchen while the chicken was cooking. Glad my house isn't burnt down.

The only day I went to the gym this week. Whoops.

I felt like crap for most of the week but this was the worst day. Fo sho.

After a long day of paying the plumber a ton of money, being super important on conference calls, and finishing up coverage testing (aka driving around town saying "test" and giving directions) for one of my projects in Nash, I got to relax with the girls at book club - or "Reading between the Wines." This was the first time I have had alchy since starting the Biggest Loser so it was very much enjoyed.

Played golf with the Boss. Totally business.

I got a $50 Amex card from the boss for job well done on a project (...so far).

First day in about a week that it wasn't totally gross outside. Insert lifting of depression there. Only kidding.

Mom's Day! My mom had to work all weekend at the hospital, and I got to see her last weekend so I didn't go home. I called her at work to sing a little jig. Something only she would appreciate fully. My mom and I are very much alike...we basically have the same voice (I have actually been about 5 minutes into a conversation with her friends on the phone before I could get a word in to say that it was me...not her), we have the same sense of humor (unique but just right for us) , and we've just always gotten along really well. We didn't really have that love/hate relationship when I was growing up. Just the love part.

I also called my sister since I think she fully deserves a Happy Mother's Day (x10) for the amount of testosterone in her house. Well when I called she answered and calmly said she was having a panic attack. They have about a 8 month old puppy, and apparently one of his eyes was rolled back in his head and the other was on the verge. He was sitting at the door and responsive though so that was goodish. I started Googling away and tried to help calm her down. Told a few jokes. I told her she just needed to call a vet. I'll let you know what happened (or won't) depending.

So that's my eight day week.


Sarah said...

Um, I didn't know you played golf. Are you good? I bet you are.

Beth said...

Let's just say I need some lessons. I was more of the cart driver/beer bitch/scorekeeper which was totally fine with me because I was out of the office, and I love a golf cart.

I do have my own clubs though so I'm going to take some lessons this summer. LPGA here I come...or not.