I sat around and read books I wasn't going to buy for a while and listened to some music on my zune. Although, I will say that Borders normally has a good song loop in stores. The Avetts and Beatles were on while I was in there, but I decided to listen to some new music so I wouldn't try to sing along while reading. Speaking of the Beatles, I found this book next to the one I was going to get and had been eyeing for about a year since I saw it in a bookstore in O'Hare.
I ended up buying "Girls Like Us" which is three biographies rolled into one: Carole King, Joni Mitchell, and Carly Simon. Can we say jackpot? So far I've read through the intros for all three, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I mean lets be honest...I knew I would. It follows the lives of Carole, Joni and Carly (yes, we are all on a first name basis), how they came of age and how their lives were representative of all women coming of age in the 60s. I always felt I was born in the wrong decade so I know I am especially going to enjoy this book and all it has to offer.
I thought I'd leave you with a few of my faves from each of these ladies.
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